Welcome To The End

This RP is rated “M’ for Mature

Choose Your Side

Character Creation



Destroyers of evil
+1 To all stats other than perception and defense.
Weakness: Dark Energy that is stronger than its light.


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Rage in a cage. 
Increased perception(+2), dexterity (+1),
Weakness: Silver


Stout, Sturdy, Wise
Increased Defense(+2), Constitution(+2),
Weakness: Greed


Juggernauts, battering rams, tanks.
Increased Constitution (+5), Strength (+5) and double the size of humans.
Weakness: Water


Beautiful, strong, bloodthirsty.
Increased Stength(+2), Dexterity(+1),
Weakness: Sunlight, Silver, Wooden Stake to the heart

Chapter One

The Plot

The story begins in Salem, Massachusetts. Maybe those witches knew something...or someone.

There was a seal that had been placed back during the days of Pangaea. A great war was fought on that ground, one in which the powers of good triumphed over evil. Darkness was locked away. No seal is meant to last forever, I suppose. Small bits would leak out and corrupt everything it touched. This seal is called Hell and it is directly under our feet. Every time we look at the ground it is there. We just don't see it. And every time something goes haywire, the seal is most likely to blame. The darkness has crept up into us enough and taken root into our souls, empowering the evil that remains locked away.  It took too many resources for the good to put that fight on hold. They never amassed enough troops to replenish their army. Meanwhile, anyone who fell into the corruption became a permanent pawn for the army of Hell. Now the threshold that separates us from a literal Hell on Earth is cracking.

Salem has always been a beacon for the supernatural. From witches to werewolves, from dwarfs to giants. Most of the creatures don't even know who is who/what. A new dawn begins with one of the horsemen entering into town.

Chapter Two

In Character Rules

The world doesn't know about supernaturals. Government will kill to keep it that way. Don't need the extra hate groups and increased panic of the country.

Every creature other than humans and metahumans have a weakness. Be it silver, gold, fire, sunlight, cold iron, or ugly nipples...you get one.

Dice are option under most circumstances but always welcomed for anything.

You can't kill off another's character without the consent of the player. Please also talk to a mod if any problems if problems arise where death be required.

Everyone needs time to heal. I don't want to see you running around town after you just got hit by a bus five minutes ago. Unless you have some wicked rejuvenation.

Time will slow during events to try and keep people involved as much as possible, but under normal operating pretenses: time moves twice as fast in the rp. Which means if its been a week in our reality, its been two in the role play world.

Chapter Three

Game Rules

Follow the rules.
OOC in Moderation
All moderators are an extension of the owner, please listen. I made them mods for a reason.
Be respectful, please.
Remember we all have lives and different aspects to each. Kick ass.
Take names

What People Say About Us

“Donec ullamcorper nulla non metus auctor fringilla. Maecenas sed diam eget risus varius blandit sit amet non magna. Maecenas faucibus mollis interdum.”

Kyle Killit
Designer at Tiempo Labs

“Ullamcorper nulla non metus auctor fringilla. Maecenas sed diam eget risus varius blandit sit amet non magna”

Sergie Kalashnikov
CEO at BentoBox

“Nulla non metus auctor fringilla. Maecenas sed diam eget risus varius blandit sit amet non magna. Maecenas faucibus mollis interdum.”

Bryant Chou
CTO at Slapper Labs